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Is Entrepreneurship for you?

I do think some people are born entrepreneurs. I’ve met them, and am fascinated by them. These are the people who, as kids, were using their allowance to buy stickers in bulk to sell at a premium to friends in the playground, when the rest of us were merely trading “smellies” for “shinies”. (Forgive me […]

Want to slack off? Permission granted.

Even A+ professionals face times in their career where they just can’t stomach putting their all into work. It usually happens when something personal demands significant energy. And by “demands”, I mean, “jumps up and down and yells”- in order to break the trance of the hyper-focused over-achiever. I’m reading a book called Earning It: […]

Ask (the opposite of) an Expert

In coaching, we speak often about perspectives: the concept that there’s more than one way to look at something; more than one truth. In working through an issue, being strategic in one’s work or planning for the future, we can turn to mentors, peers, friends and partners to uncover new ways to look at things. […]

“Executive Presence” is useless

“Executive presence” sounds impressive. Every leader should covet it and be proud of their abilities if they’re praised for it, right? The issue is, for as many times the term is referenced in performance reviews and coaching mandates, there are an equal number of definitions of this elusive quality. As a cheeky undergraduate student, I […]